Soon after the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance to Restore the Republic agent known as Chilla worked as a bartender in The Rusty Bucket, a bar in the city of Takari, on Iyuta. Chilla's cover was discovered by the Empire; wounded, she hid in the planet's ancient sewer system where she eventually died.
The Empire replaced Chilla with a female impersonator, as part of a plot to discover the Rebel headquarters in the sector. This Chilla worked at The Giant Step, and was contacted by Green squad from Reekeene's Roughnecks when they were assigned to eavesdrop on a newly built Imperial Communications Center. She assisted them in their mission to maintain her cover, but Green squad discovered the real Chilla's corpse, ruining the impersonator's plan.
Soon after the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance to Restore the Republic agent known as Chilla worked as a bartender in The Rusty Bucket, a bar in the city of Takari, on Iyuta. Chilla's cover was discovered by the Empire; wounded, she hid in the planet's ancient sewer system where she eventually died.
The Empire replaced Chilla with a female impersonator, as part of a plot to discover the Rebel headquarters in the sector. This Chilla worked at The Giant Step, and was contacted by Green squad from Reekeene's Roughnecks when they were assigned to eavesdrop on a newly built Imperial Communications Center. She assisted them in their mission to maintain her cover, but Green squad discovered the real Chilla's corpse, ruining the impersonator's plan.