In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Admiral Yzu declared himself an Imperial warlord and awarded Brill the title of moff. Brill cultivated influence under Gann, who had became Yzu's political lackey, until Yzu was killed at Tsoss Beacon, a victim of Admiral Daala's mass murder of the region's ranking warlords. In the power vacuum, Brill shrewdly promoted Gann as a figurehead ruler to succeed Yzu.
He remained in power as late as 18 ABY, by which date he was one of the highest-ranking survivors of the New Order. However, at least some of his nominal subordinates were independent in all but name, like Moff Foga Brill, the governor of the fortress world of Prakith.
His forces joined with those of Foga Brill and Jmanuel Tethys, forming the Second Imperium.
- Cracken's Threat Dossier
- Star Wars Encyclopedia
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
- Star Wars: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook