Cira Larutur

In 22 BBY, Cira and Joz were on their way to see their first grandchild when they were taken hostage by Nuriin-Ar for the immediate withdrawal of the Republic forces on Haruun Kal. During the hostage, Cira tried to calm her husband down when Jedi negotiator Kaim was killed. As Kal Skirata, along with mercenaries and a Special Security Officer of the Special Operations Brigade arrived and freed the hostages.


In 22 BBY, Cira and Joz were on their way to see their first grandchild when they were taken hostage by Nuriin-Ar for the immediate withdrawal of the Republic forces on Haruun Kal. During the hostage, Cira tried to calm her husband down when Jedi negotiator Kaim was killed. As Kal Skirata, along with mercenaries and a Special Security Officer of the Special Operations Brigade arrived and freed the hostages.



