The City of Dreams was a utopian dreamscape entirely created through psychic energy manifested by Cody Sunn-Childe, a former Alliance to Restore the Republic hero who had awakened mystic powers during the Galactic Civil War. Rejecting the war with the Galactic Empire and adopting a pacifistic way of life, Sunn-Childe created the sprawling City of Dreams inside a pocket dimension of his own manifest, living there in peace with his closest comrades. However, after Rebels Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca stumbled upon the City of Dreams in 3 ABY, Sunn-Childe's realm was attacked by an fleet that destroyed it utterly.
A sprawling utopian paradise existing within its own pocket dimension, the City of Dreams and everything within was created out of pure psychic energy, a projection of the mind of Jashwik revolutionary Cody Sunn-Childe. The City of Dreams sat on top of what could only be described as an island floating through space, and was characterized by gleaming spires, verdant gardens and and cathedral-like buildings, all framed with a sculpted symmetry. Although the City of Dreams was mostly cut off from the outside world, a sub-basement contained communications equipment that received random Imperial transmissions, keeping Sunn-Childe updated on galactic events. These power emanations were untraceable by the wider galaxy, since they were comprised solely of psychic energy and not actual matter.
The city itself was surrounded by a large jungle expanse surrounding it on all sides, populated by fearsome, humanoid beasts Sunn-Childe called "monster-brothers." The monster-brothers were also reflections of Sunn-Childe's psyche, representing the repressed traumas and darkness in his soul. Sunn-Childe took it upon himself to keep the violent apparitions at bay, drawing them into himself so they did not threaten the city.
In the early years of the Galactic Civil War, Jashwik freedom-fighter Cody Sunn-Childe became one of the faces of anti-Imperial resistance, leading a well-known Rebel band that included his right-hand man Ansible Beelyard. However, after a particularly violent battle in 3 BBY, Sunn-Childe had a religious experience that awoke latent mystic abilities. Rededicating himself to a peaceful way of life and renouncing the war, Sunn-Childe created the City of Dreams as an extension of his own psyche, materializing a perfect utopia in which to live with his battle comrades.
Sunn-Childe and his companions lived an isolated, peaceful existence until 3 ABY, when a hyperdrive malfunction resulted in Rebel heroes Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca stumbling upon the City of Dreams. Recognizing Sunn-Childe from his days as a famed Rebel warrior, Calrissian challenged the Jashwik's pacifistic philosophy and inadvertently attracted the attention of a passing Imperial fleet that noticed the odd dimensional rift. The fleet, led by Captain Plikk, bombarded the City of Dreams, prompting Sunn-Childe to retaliate by manifesting his monster-brothers to attack the ships. However, with the support of his companions, Sunn-Childe recommitted to his philosophy of nonviolence at the moment of truth, allowing the Imperials to destroy the city and kill them all.
The City of Dreams first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 46, written by John Marc DeMatteis and released in 1981. In the comic, the city was illustrated by Carmine Infantino.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III