The Clone-amatic 11-38 was a cloning device created by Count Dooku, manufactured by the Lama Su Clone Works of Kamino, and unveiled to the allies of the Sith—who were organized in Petranaki arena on Geonosis—in 21 BBY. It had twin pods that sped up the transfer of genetic material and kyber crystal energy. Each pod was transparent, and the top and bottom of the device had blue platforms, with a screen indicating cloning progress at the top, and two screens displaying the names of both the cloned subject and their clone in the High Galactic alphabet. During the cloning process, it would temporarily weaken its subject substantially. Intended to create an army of clones based on a template of Jek-14, the machine was faulty, and instead only created a single miniature clone of Jek, Jek 15. Following its failure, it was replaced with a new and improved model.
The Clone-amatic 11-38 appeared in "Menace of the Sith," the second episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, which aired on Cartoon Network on September 4, 2013.
The Clone-amatic 11-38 appeared in "Menace of the Sith," the second episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, which aired on Cartoon Network on September 4, 2013.