"Chapter 12" is the twelfth episode of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series, the second episode in Season Two, and the twelfth episode in Volume One. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, the episode originally aired on Cartoon Network on March 29, 2004.
On Dantooine, a young boy named Paxi Sylo watches a battle unfold between Republic and Separatist forces. Mace Windu leads clone troopers against Separatist B-1 battle droids. Although Windu is gaining the upper hand, the Separatists unveil their seismic tank, and activate it. A huge shock wave of dirt is generated, scattering Windu and his troops. When he finally picks himself up, he discovers that not only has he been separated from his soldiers and is alone in the midst of B2 super battle droids but he has lost his lightsaber.