Corellia Droid Factory

The Corellia Droid Factory was an automated droid factory secretly built by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Corellia during the Clone Wars.


The entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave.

The Corellia Droid Factory was located in a remote and mountainous region of Corellia known as the Bindreg Hills. The factory was made of series of corridors and rooms dug in the mountain. The underground facility was accessible though a natural cave. Fully automated, the factory was designed to produce large amounts of battle droids such as B1-Series battle droids, B2 super battle droids and droidekas.


The Corellia Droid Factory was built by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars in preparation for a possible invasion of Corellia. During the war, a Separatist unit successfully infiltrated the Galactic Republic-aligned planet Corellia and managed to build the factory in total secrecy. The objective of the Confederacy was to produce and deploy large amounts of battle droids to cause chaos on the ground while the bulk of Separatist forces engaged the planetary defenses from space. However, the CIS bypassed Corellia when they invaded the Core Worlds and attacked directly Coruscant. The invasion of Corellia never happened and the factory was never activated.

Deactivated battle droids in the factory.

Deactivated battle droids in the factory.

The Corellia Droid Factory was forgotten after the defeat of the Confederacy at the end of the Clone Wars. Two decades later, by the time of the Battle of Yavin, the facility was finally discovered by the droid IG-88. The assassin droid planned to use the factory to build battle droids for his revolutionary droid army. IG-88 thus activated the factory and started the production of battle droids.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force discovered the situation after it received reports of hostile Clone Wars-era battle droids active in the Bindreg Hills. A group led by Lieutenant Varias, including Officers Savas, Hirka, Kener and Mener, and several CorSec troopers, was dispatched from Coronet to investigate. The unit discovered that the factory existed and was fully operational. Although the facility was defended by many hostile battle droids but the Corellian government was reluctant to send reinforcement since it would like to avoid drawing the attention of the Galactic Empire. The government was afraid that the Imperial forces would use it as a reason to deploy a large number of troops, resulting in the Empire taking a much greater level of control of the planet. The CorSec therefore recruited a number of independent spacers to assist its troops in the factory.

Battle droids patrolling the facility.

Battle droids patrolling the facility.

Upon their arrival in the droid factory, Sergeant Hirka and her squad were ordered to recon the area, Sergeant Mener was tasked to take the fight to the droids, and technical officer Kener had to find a way to shut down the facility. When Sergeant Hirka and her squad were trapped by the droids, Lieutenant Varias dispatched spacers to rescue them. Meanwhile, spacers worked with Officer Kener to create a security breach in the factory's control system. Other spacers were enrolled by Sergeant Mener and destroyed more than two dozens of droids. The spacers also fought an epic battle against a very powerful prototype of an EV-series-like battle droid. Eventually, Lieutenant Varias tasked spacers to access the control override terminal in the depths of the facility. The spacer finally reached the terminal in the command center of the facility and effectively shut down the Corellia Droid Factory. According to Varias, the intervention of the spacers permitted to contain the crisis and avoid a disaster.

Following this failure, IG-88 later established a new droid factory on the planet Lok to replace the Corellia Droid Factory.

Behind the scenes

The Corellia Droid Factory was a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Corellia Droid Factory was added to the game with the release of the "Game Update 12," on August 10, 2009.



