Cortosis-weave was a swordsmithing technique commonly used on high-quality vibroblades and other melee weapons when combat with opponents wielding lightsabers was considered to be likely. It also was a descriptor for equipment that had been crafted utilizing cortosis ore. Cortosis-weave was employed primarily because it made the weapon able to withstand lightsaber blows. They could also be fashioned into armor or other gear. Weapons needed very little cortosis to be effective but armor required a substantially larger amount. The greater quantity provided an additional benefit to wearers though—a lightsaber would deactivate after contact was made with cortosis armor. Cortosis was extremely rare though and, thus, extremely expensive, resulting in few weapons and armor made with it. Several cultures developed various techniques for insulating traditional melee weapons against such sparring damage, but the art of bonding cortosis to blades in such a manner was first perfected by Echani weaponsmiths sometime prior to the Mandalorian Wars.
Cortosis ore actually shorts out lightsaber blades on contact, forcing the wielder to reignite their weapon. Instead of shorting out a Jedi or Sith opponent's blade, the weave simply prevented the lightsaber from cleaving the blade in two at the point of contact. The purpose of the weave may also be due to the expense of cortosis, a weave being a more economical method of hardening melee weapons against lightsabers compared to a more cortosis-rich alloy used in a weapon's construction, allowing more weapons to be made effective versus lightsabers for a given quantity of workable cortosis. This is evidenced by the large numbers of cortosis-weave weapons in use by the time of the Jedi Civil War.
Cortosis ore actually shorts out lightsaber blades on contact, forcing the wielder to reignite their weapon. Instead of shorting out a Jedi or Sith opponent's blade, the weave simply prevented the lightsaber from cleaving the blade in two at the point of contact. The purpose of the weave may also be due to the expense of cortosis, a weave being a more economical method of hardening melee weapons against lightsabers compared to a more cortosis-rich alloy used in a weapon's construction, allowing more weapons to be made effective versus lightsabers for a given quantity of workable cortosis. This is evidenced by the large numbers of cortosis-weave weapons in use by the time of the Jedi Civil War.