Crisis on Umbara


Having learned about the Order of Zildrog that sought to bring down the Eternal Alliance, one of the Alliance's founders Theron Shan approached the head of the Order Vinn Atrius under the guise of wanting to join the Order and bring the Alliance down. Atrius refused to listen to him, which led Shan to arrange a trap for the Alliance Commander during the War on Iokath to prove his dedication. He then approached Atrius again, who still distrusted Shan and asked him to secure a shipment of adegan crystals from Umbara to convince him of his motives.

Theron Shan turns on his allies.

Theron Shan turns on his allies.

The crystals were being transported on a hovertrain headed to the Umbara capital city and were guarded by Umbaran soldiers and Shadow Assassins. Theron arranged for a transmission from the train to be sent with the same encryption algorithm that he used on Iokath, tipping the Alliance Intelligence about the traitor's whereabouts. Having obtained this information, Lana Beniko immediately relayed it to Theron Shan and the Commander, and the three of them departed to Umbara in a shuttle to catch the traitor.

The Mission

Upon arriving on Umbara, the trio managed to board the train and engaged Umbarans guarding the shipment of the crystals. They fought their way through the opposition and defeated Technician Canni and Shadow Assassin Elli-Vaa, finally reaching the cockpit of the train, which they found empty. Theron Shan then revealed himself as the traitor to the shock of others and fired at the Commander, hitting Lana instead. He then laid another shot at the control panel, activating a force field that trapped Lana and the Commander inside the cabin.

Theron Shan escapes the train on a speeder bike.

Theron Shan escapes the train on a speeder bike.

Theron then laid out his fake motivation, presenting himself as seeking the Alliance's downfall ever since the death of Valkorion and intending to finally bring peace to the galaxy. Saying his goodbyes, Theron then detonated several of the train rings, causing the train to crash into a nearby mountain range, while he himself escaped on a speeder bike. The Commander and Lana bailed out just before the crash and chased after him on foot, while also fending off local wildlife. Meanwhile, having support of Umbarans, Theron managed to secure a large part of the adegan crystals shipment, loading it onto his shuttle. The Commander and Lana caught up with him, but were unable to stop Theron before his shuttle left Umbara and were forced to contend with an Umbaran Spider Tank which covered Theron's escape.


After defeating the tank, Lana and the Commander headed back to Odessen with the remainder of the adegan crystals. Lana informed the Commander that she was using her spy network to locate Theron, as well as his mother Satele Shan. The Commander then decided to send an open holo message to Theron across the HoloNet. Impressed with his dedication to their cause, Atrius and the others reached a decision to welcome Theron Shan into the Order of Zildrog. Using his unique infiltration skills, he was tasked with finding a holomap that held coordinates to Zildrog's location.

Behind the scenes

The Umbaran hovertrain

The Umbaran hovertrain

Depending on the player's choice to support either Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic during the War on Iokath, the Umbarans are joined by the other faction, now waging war against the Eternal Alliance to avenge the death of their leader (either Jace Malcom or Darth Acina). Before the train crash player can address Theron peacefully, seeking to smooth things over, or angrily, claiming they will hunt him down; this choice will affect dialogue during the two subsequent flashpoints. In their HoloNet message to Theron after the mission players can either pledge one hundred Eternal Fleet warships as a peacekeeping force under his command in a Light Side option, or declare him a terrorist and a madman, placing one billion credits bounty on his head in a Dark Side option.



