During the time of the Jedi Civil War, the Republic's records of the colonization of Veroleem went missing and the planet was sold to a front company of the Exchange, which claimed that it wanted to mine Veroleem's lommite deposits. Not wanting to have off-worlders become involved in their affairs, the Council of Enlightened Elders took legal action and forced the Republic to remove the Exchange-backed concern from their world. However, the cult insisted that the company's mining equipment be left behind, and they used the machinery to grant themselves a new sources of revenue. The legal battle brought the Cult of Veroleem to the attention of the Jedi Order and over the next few decades, there were several conflicts between Jedi Knights and groups of cultists.
Around the time of the formation of the Galactic Empire, the cult cut back on its recruitment efforts. Following the rise of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire, the cult re-initiated it's recruitment drive, taking advantage of the fact that Veroleem's location had long been forgotten by the wider galaxy.
The cult was a sham and it existed to lure victims to Veroleem, so that they could be sacrificed and their brain chemicals used in the immortality elixir that kept Veroleem's oldest residents alive. New converts that joined the cult were forced to sever all ties with their old lives and had to take on new names, and the new initiates were often taken to a temple that the cult operated in the Coreesh Mountains, on Veroleem.
The cult was a sham and it existed to lure victims to Veroleem, so that they could be sacrificed and their brain chemicals used in the immortality elixir that kept Veroleem's oldest residents alive. New converts that joined the cult were forced to sever all ties with their old lives and had to take on new names, and the new initiates were often taken to a temple that the cult operated in the Coreesh Mountains, on Veroleem.