Dana Cory was a soldier in the Galactic Empire who trained as a cadet at the Imperial Academy of Carida, located on the planet Carida. Cory joined the academy during the year 5 BBY, and graduated during 1 BBY. Cory's ceremony was presided over by General Rom Mohc. After Mohc delivered a speech to the cadets, he called the names of cadets who were to be given an award of valor and merit, Cory included.
Dana Cory was first mentioned in the audio adaption of the novella Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, which was released in 1997. As the character's name is only given in spoken dialogue from the audio adaption, the actual spelling of the character's name cannot be determined.
Dana Cory was first mentioned in the audio adaption of the novella Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, which was released in 1997. As the character's name is only given in spoken dialogue from the audio adaption, the actual spelling of the character's name cannot be determined.