Dario Melek


By 382 BBY, Melek was Ney Madiine's champion in the fighting ring at the Rusty Rancor and had procured ninety-nine wins.

Melek was present when Axel Greylark and Jedi Knight Gella Nattai arrived at the establishment to get information and was made to fight Nattai in the ring. Upon being announced, Melek blew a kiss to the crowd. He made the first strike at Nattai confidently and the pair exchanged hits. Melek expressed fear when Nattai demonstrated her force abilities by taking his lightsaber. Desperate to still achieve his hundredth win, he tackled Nattai. Knowing that Madiine didn't like interrupted shows, he gave up. The Jedi threw his weapon back to him and told him to defend himself from the approaching guards but the floor opened beneath them, ending the fight.

Behind the scenes

Dario Melek appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






