Dark Jedi uprising

The uprising

The Elrood sector, where the uprising took place

The Elrood sector, where the uprising took place

A few years before the Subjugation of Naboo in 32 BBY, a band of marauding Dark Jedi sowed terror throughout the Elrood sector, in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Around the same time, the Jedi Consular named Jorus C'baoth left his position as advisor to Palpatine, representative of the Chommell sector before the Galactic Republic's Senate. Having felt a disturbance in the Force, which the Dark Jedi had caused, C'baoth led a strike team of Jedi Knights into the Elrood sector to eliminate the threat they posed. The marauding Dark Jedi were ultimately defeated, and peace was restored in the sector.


As the architect of the Jedi victory against the uprising, C'baoth assumed the title of Jedi Master, which was a quite unorthodox move. In the normal course, a Jedi was formally promoted to the rank of Master by the Jedi High Council after successfully training several apprentices into Knights and having them pass their Trials of Knighthood. The members of the High Council, however, were so content with the Dark Jedi's defeat that they did not oppose C'baoth's self-appointment.

Many years later, legend had distorted truth. The account of the Elrood events was conflated with that of another Dark Jedi insurrection, which occurred in the Bpfassh system following the Clone Wars and involved Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Indeed, when Luke Skywalker, the first of a new generation of Jedi, searched the Galactic Senate's records on Jorus C'baoth in 9 ABY, he read that the late Master was a member of the Jedi force assembled to oppose the Dark Jedi insurrection on Bpfassh.

Behind the scenes

In Timothy Zahn's 1992 novel Dark Force Rising, the second entry in The Thrawn Trilogy, Jorus C'baoth was credited with defeating a Dark Jedi insurrection on Bpfassh between the years 77 and 74 "Pre-Empire" (P.E.). The book also mentioned C'baoth assumed the title of Jedi Master that same year. However, Zahn had based his dating on when he believed the Clone Wars had happened. By then, the definitive chronology of the Clone Wars had not yet been established, and Star Wars authors were told that it had taken place thirty-five years before Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. With the release of the prequel trilogy between 1999 and 2005, it was revealed that the conflict ended only sixteen years later, thus rendering all the dates featured in the Thrawn Trilogy inaccurate.

In 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia credited Yoda with opposing the Bpfasshi darksiders, treating C'baoth's involvement in quelling an insurrection as a legend. However, the 2002 sourcebook Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook had already established its own retcon by stating C'baoth had settled a Dark Jedi insurrection in the Elrood sector, a few years before the Battle of Naboo. The present article considers both accounts canon, since they do not contradict each other.


  • Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook
