The ultimate enforcer, Darth Maul, continues his single-handed decimation of the ranks of the galactic crime syndicate Black Sun. As lieutenant after lieutenant falls under the swift blade of Maul's cold wrath, Black Sun pulls itself together to discuss how to deal with this new threat. Aware of Black Sun's plan, Maul shows up at Black Sun headquarters just as the in-fighting starts, and all hell breaks loose—Maul-style! Be sure not to miss this action-filled third chapter in the long-awaited Darth Maul series, written by comics superstar Ron Marz (Green Lantern, Batman/Tarzan) and with dazzling art by Jan Duursema and Rick Magyar, fresh off their stint on Star Wars: Republic: Twilight!
On Mon Calamari, Darth Maul kills Morn, another Vigo of Black Sun. In Alexi Garyn's fortress on Ralltiir, Asa Naga tells the gathered Vigos about Maul's attack on Darnada, but Garyn assures the Vigos that Maul cannot defeat the gathered strength of their bodyguards. Maul prepares to attack the fortress and reports to Darth Sidious via hologram. Maul begins his assault by attacking the Black Sun sentries. Garyn's Nightsister bodyguard Mighella tells him that she senses a disturbance in the Force. Maul fights through the Black Sun guards and reaches the antechamber to Garyn's throne room.
- Star Wars: Darth Maul TPB
- Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collection Volume 3: Darth Maul
- Star Wars Omnibus: Rise of the Sith
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 2
- Star Wars Legends: Rise of the Sith Omnibus