Darvannis factory

Following the successful heist by Anti-Zakuul Alliance on the Gilded Star in 3630 BBY, SCORPIO identified the GEMINI Prime as the next major target for the Alliance leadership. Unable to mount a full assault themselves, Theron Shan contacted Mandalore the Avenger and made an agreement for Mandalorian clans to raid the factory. The Alliance Commander went to capture the GEMINI Prime, while the Mandalorians were after the chance to get payback against Zakuul and taking the spoils from the factory for re-arming themselves.

A large-scale battle eventually broke out, with rotating assault teams of two hundred Mandalorian commandos each deployed around the factory. Systematically, the Mandalorian forces took out the energy shields, captured the perimeter guns and reprogrammed them to target the factory, destroyed the factory's power stations, neutralized the listening post and finally led a final push deep inside the factory. The Mandalorians retrieved a large amount of weapons, while the Alliance Commander found and secure the GEMINI Prime unit before retreating. After the battle, many factory mechanisms remained functional, but mostly went offline.

Darvannis factory appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 14: Mandalore the Avenger.

Behind the scenes

Darvannis factory appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 14: Mandalore the Avenger.



