Davin (Human)

A Human, Davin, trained as a stormtrooper cadet at the Imperial Academy on the planet of Carida. While training there, Davin and another cadet, later designated TK329, became good friends. They parted in 4 BBY after their admittance into the Stormtrooper Corps because they were stationed at different locations. Three years later, TK329 still considered Davin to be his closest friend, citing their relationship and history in a public broadcast from the Star Destroyer Vector.

Davin was mentioned in a tweet from TK329's in-universe Twitter account posted on September 20, 2009. The account was created as a tie-in to the then-upcoming novel Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber.

Behind the scenes

Davin was mentioned in a tweet from TK329's in-universe Twitter account posted on September 20, 2009. The account was created as a tie-in to the then-upcoming novel Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber.

