The Dbari system was a Mid Rim star system that was home to the Dbarian species. By the time of the Separatist Crisis, it was affiliated via the Malarian Alliance to three other star systems. That alliance was part of a larger network of forty systems linked by various alliances and treaties to each other, centered on the inconspicuous planet Ansion.
In 22 BBY, when members of the Malarian Alliance were considering seceding from the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of the Independent Systems sought to facilitate the secession of the entire network of systems affiliated with Ansion. The Separatist plans were foiled by a Jedi mission to Ansion, which resulted in the planet and its partner systems remaining loyal to the Republic.
The Dbari system was a part of the Churnis sector of the Mid Rim.
By 22 BBY, the Dbari system was a member of both the Galactic Republic and the Malarian Alliance, the latter of which placed it in a web of mutual affiliations with three other systems: the Mamendin system of the Core Worlds and the Mid Rim's Ansion and Malari systems. In addition, Dbari, its partner systems, and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty—also affiliated with the planet Ansion—all had treaties of their own with other worlds, which led to the seemingly insignificant Ansion lying at the center of a network of approximately forty politically connected star systems. During the ongoing Separatist Crisis, signatory systems of both the Malarian Alliance and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty were individually considering leaving the Republic.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems intended to facilitate the secession of Ansion from the Republic, which was predicted by the Separatists to cause a cascade of secession by all the systems linked to the planet via its treaties, as well. Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild explained the Separatist plan to the Corellian industrialist Tam Uliss and his Twi'lek companion during a meeting with Ansion's Senator Mousul in a private chamber on Coruscant, a Core Worlds planet serving as the capital of the Republic, in 22 BBY. Mai also singled out the member systems of the Malarian Alliance, including Dbari, for the group in a holographic projection of the galaxy.
However, a mission to Ansion undertaken at the time by members of the Jedi Order on behalf of the Republic resulted in that world and its partners remaining loyal to the galactic government, foiling the Separatist plans. At some point following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the newly appointed Imperial Moff of the Churnis sector declared all existing treaties and alliances involving Ansion to be null and void.
The Approaching Storm, a 2002 novel by Alan Dean Foster, featured a holographic representation of the several unnamed star systems connected to the planet Ansion via the Malarian Alliance. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, subsequently identified one of those systems as the Dbari system and placed it in grid square I-6.
- The Essential Atlas