The Defector was an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate built by Kuat Drive Yards. 300 meters long, the Defector was armed with twelve turbolaser batteries, twelve laser cannons, and two tractor beam projectors. A crew of 854 beings operated the ship, alongside sixty-six gunners, although a skeleton crew of 307 with ten gunners could run the ship if necessary. Equipped with sensors, deflector shields and a navigation computer, the Defector was capable of faster-than-light travel utilizing a Class 2 hyperdrive, with a Class 12 backup unit. It was also able to travel at speeds of 800 kilometers an hour in atmosphere. The frigate could carry consumables to last two years, and had storage space for 6,000 metric tons. Seventy-five soldiers could also be billeted aboard.
The Defector served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, assigned to the Trax Sector Force. Around 0 ABY, it participated in the battle of Bissillirus alongside the DP20 frigates Corellian Thunder and Dream Runner.