Dendro IV

Dendro IV was meant to appear in the opening sequence of part one of the two-part episode "The Escape," the finale of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on January 26, 2020. Dendro IV's role was changed to the planet Aeos Prime once work began on episodes involving the Aeosians,—"The New World" and "No Place Safe," the fifteenth and sixteenth episodes of Season Two that aired January 12, 2020—to better illustrate the danger of the First Order.

While Dendro IV was removed from the episode, it was mentioned in the episode guide for the second half of "The Escape" and the article "Bucket's List Extra: 5 Fun Facts from 'The Escape – Part 1' – Star Wars Resistance," both of which were posted on on January 27, 2020. Jim Moore created concept art for the planet on October 15, 2018 that was included in the episode guide. While the caption of the concept art identified the image as "Aeos," the world depicted appears different from the ocean planet and is labeled "planetballDendroDstrd."

Behind the scenes

Dendro IV was meant to appear in the opening sequence of part one of the two-part episode "The Escape," the finale of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on January 26, 2020. Dendro IV's role was changed to the planet Aeos Prime once work began on episodes involving the Aeosians,—"The New World" and "No Place Safe," the fifteenth and sixteenth episodes of Season Two that aired January 12, 2020—to better illustrate the danger of the First Order.

While Dendro IV was removed from the episode, it was mentioned in the episode guide for the second half of "The Escape" and the article "Bucket's List Extra: 5 Fun Facts from 'The Escape – Part 1' – Star Wars Resistance," both of which were posted on on January 27, 2020. Jim Moore created concept art for the planet on October 15, 2018 that was included in the episode guide. While the caption of the concept art identified the image as "Aeos," the world depicted appears different from the ocean planet and is labeled "planetballDendroDstrd."



