Denel Strench

"Denel Strench" was a fake identity created by the slicer known as "DJ" that had the personality and reputation of a big time gangster. Despite not existing, Strench was taken very seriously by the inhabitants of the casinos and hotels on the planet Cantonica. Originally, Strench was meant to serve as a kind of ally towards DJ, but while DJ was enjoying time at the hotel and casino, Strench's personality file was found by the protocol droid gambler O1-MG, who accidentally downloaded Strench's file into his core, partially replacing the droid's own personality.

The new "Strench" then started making trouble for DJ: first Strench arranged the release of the imprisoned arms dealer Flestic Crupp who wanted DJ dead, and then revealed DJ's electronic cheating strategies to the Vesustrian casino security detail. Strench, and by extension O1-MG, was eliminated when Canto Bight Police Department detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol found the droid at DJ's apartment and, when O1-MG refused to surrender, shot the droid.


  • Star Wars: Timelines



