Denjax Teppler's body double

In 40 ABY, a male individual served as a look-alike body double of Denjax Teppler, the Minister of Justice of the planet Corellia. Teppler was a dark-haired Human male whose features were considered by others to be bland yet handsome and confidence-inspiring. Teppler hired the double in order to protect himself when other Corellian politicians began to monitor his activities in the midst of the Corellian system's Five Worlds government's war with the Galactic Alliance. The surveillance that had been attached to Teppler sometimes mistakenly followed the look-alike to Teppler's home in Coronet City, which allowed the Minister to move about freely.

Denjax Teppler's body double was mentioned in Aaron Allston's 2007 novel Exile, published as the fourth entry in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series.

Behind the scenes

Denjax Teppler's body double was mentioned in Aaron Allston's 2007 novel Exile, published as the fourth entry in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III






