Desolation Alley landing controller

A male individual was a landing controller at Desolation Alley, a Republic Correctional Authority prison facility on the asteroid Oovo IV. When the supply ship 1729 entered the Oovo system, the controller gave the starship's captain permission to land. The controller temporarily deactivated the shields surrounding the prison asteroid so that 1729 could enter, not knowing that bounty hunter Jango Fett had concealed his ship behind 1729 in order to infiltrate the prison.

The landing controller's voice appeared in the 2002 video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. He was voiced by Jan Rabson, credited for additional voices under "Prison guard #2."

Behind the scenes

The landing controller's voice appeared in the 2002 video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. He was voiced by Jan Rabson, credited for additional voices under "Prison guard #2."



