During the Galactic Civil War, a team of Destabilization Branch infiltrators traveled to the city Morjanssik on the planet Mon Calamari and enacted the Calamari Project, a covert operation that aimed to spark a war between the Mon Calamari and Quarren species, to prevent the two species from supplying starships to the Rebel Alliance. However, a group of Alliance agents tracked down and defeated the infiltrators, bringing the Calamari Project to an end.
Secesh Trant, General Harrid Sendo, and Major Kerri Lessev worked in the organization.
- Imperial Sourcebook
- "Ananuru Express" — Challenge 72
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives
- Creatures of the Galaxy
- Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
- Player's Guide to Tapani
- Cracken's Threat Dossier
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- "Blood-Feud: Warriors of the Deep!" — Star Wars Insider 129
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
- Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide