Dimok government

The Dimok government was the ruling body of the planet Dimok and its people. The Dimok government opposed the Ripoblus government in the Sepan Civil War until the Galactic Empire intervened in 3 ABY.


The Galactic Empire hoped to capture the leaders of Dimok and Ripoblus near Sepan 8

The Galactic Empire hoped to capture the leaders of Dimok and Ripoblus near Sepan 8

The Dimoks possessed a small navy that was likely exhausted by their continued fighting towards the Ripoblus.

Their starfighters included BTL Y-wing starfighters, Z-95 Headhunters and Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. Their starfighter squadrons included Adam Squadron, Baker Squadron, Bordok Squadron, Elba Squadron, Givin Squadron and Larkma Squadron. Many of their ships were converted merchant craft modified for military duty, such as cargo ferries and CR92a Assassin-class corvettes. For capital ships, they used MC40a light cruisers, such as the Ben Het and the Falaricae. They also had a space station called Science Station Youst that was defended by Z-95 Headhunters and Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles.

During the war, the Dimoks once tried to stop a Ripoblus convoy claiming that they were seizing illegal war supplies. These war supplies included Imperial munitions, which could not be acquired legitimately. Ironically enough, the Secret Order of the Emperor suspected that they were armed by an Imperial, as an Order member noted that their facilities were not capable of producing craft they were using. Their suspicions proved to be the case as Dimok ships were soon discovered to be carrying Imperial munitions and supplies.


  • TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide
  • TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide






