A Human male noble of House Dooku served as the Great House's Count on the planet Serenno prior to the Clone Wars. While Count, he was married to a woman named Kostanza, with whom he had a child, Adan Dooku. However, during his son's childhood the count died, leaving his son to take his place as the new count. Because of Adan's youth, his mother acted as regent. Adan and Kostanza eventually left Serenno in self-exile to Alderaan upon the arrival of Adan's uncle, a former Jedi who claimed the title of count for himself.
Dooku's brother was first mentioned in the comic-book series Star Wars: Agent of the Empire in the Agent of the Empire – Hard Targets 1, the beginning of the Hard Targets story arc, published on October 17, 2012.
Dooku's brother was first mentioned in the comic-book series Star Wars: Agent of the Empire in the Agent of the Empire – Hard Targets 1, the beginning of the Hard Targets story arc, published on October 17, 2012.