Dorn Nareusu

Dorn Nareusu was a Human male pirate who lived during the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Yavin, Dorn Nareusu and his band of Mining Pirates raided and destroyed numerous transport ships in the Kashyyyk system. Nareusu himself piloted an ARC-170 starfighter. After several weeks of rampage, the pirates had seriously disturbed the civilian traffic in the system. Around 1 ABY, Belga Daeri, an official at the Kachirho spaceport, placed a death mark on Dorn Nareusu via Imperial Bounty Officer Stren Colo. Since Nareusu was not based in the system, a group of pilots therefore attacked Nareusu's cohorts in the Kashyyyk system to attract the pirate to the system. As expected, Dorn Nareusu later arrived in the system to join the fight. He was eventually killed in the ensuing battle.



