Draynon Atrus

Draynon Atrus was a male Human who served as a Knight-Captain in the Knights of Zakuul, an order of Force-sensitive warriors who protected the Eternal Empire and its ruler, the Immortal Emperor. In 3631 BBY, he was a leader of the Zakuulan forces that attempted to recapture the recently freed criminal known as the Outlander on Zakuul. Atrus was killed in the fighting.

Draynon Atrus was added to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of the Digital Expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire, where he first appeared in Chapter 5: From the Grave.

Behind the scenes

Draynon Atrus was added to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of the Digital Expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire, where he first appeared in Chapter 5: From the Grave.



