Duel in Kameron Suldar's office

However, Workan's security guard was not willing to let them into the High Lord's office, and Khai decided to secretly reveal her identity in order to ensure their entry. They were allowed to enter, but were quickly taken captive by Workan's three Sith guards. Khai and the young Skywalker, however, managed to keep Workan talking until the three other Jedi arrived. Khai and Ben Skywalker quickly killed the three guards while Workan engged in a duel with Luke Skywalker. The Jedi were hoping to capture Workan alive, but Khai wanted to kill all of the Tribe's remaining High Lords, as they were duty-bound to kill her since she had murdered High Lord Sarasu Taalon. Thus, she suggested that Workan was attempting to get to his desk and trip a detonator that would kill them all, causing Dorvald and the Grand Master to dive away while Khai, the young Skywalker, and Tainer opened fire on Workan with blasters. After six shots, Ben Skywalker killed Workan with a shot to the head.






