Economic Study Circle

Several years prior to the Mandalorian Wars, the Economic WatchCircle had foreseen that Vanjervalis Systems were working on a breakthrough naval system. After Haazen had obtained designs revealing that the breakthrough system would allow Republic cruisers to be linked to a single command, he reported the Economic WatchCircle's prediction to Krynda Draay, claiming that he would have the Draay Trust buy out Vanjervalis in order to increase funding for the Covenant's activities. In actuality, he slipped in an extra feature past the Admiralty in order to have a direct line to himself for his planned Vindication.

Under the recommendation of the Economic WatchCircle, Haazen had the Draay Trust sell off all of their holdings on the banking world of Telerath at some unspecified time before the Battle of Serroco. By the time Telerath became a potential Mandalorian target, the Draay Trust's holdings there had already been completely sold. Lucien Draay was apparently unaware that Haazen was taking the investment advice of Jedi .

Later, it was unknown what became of the Economic WatchCircle during and in the aftermath of Haazen's disastrous Vindication.


  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide






