Emperor's Shadow (Sith Empire)

The hull of the Emperor's Shadow was black. It had a spherical center with other spheres and arm-like protrusions surrounding it.

Using the Sun Razer, the Sith Empire was able to complete its creation in years instead of decades. All the projects fueled by the Sun Razer were overseen by Darth Mekhis and discovered by Theron Shan and Jedi Master Ngani Zho upon their infiltration and capture in the Vesla system.


The hull of the Emperor's Shadow was black. It had a spherical center with other spheres and arm-like protrusions surrounding it.


Using the Sun Razer, the Sith Empire was able to complete its creation in years instead of decades. All the projects fueled by the Sun Razer were overseen by Darth Mekhis and discovered by Theron Shan and Jedi Master Ngani Zho upon their infiltration and capture in the Vesla system.



