Espis Zanchal

Lord Espis Zanchal was a human male baron who served the Galactic Empire. Zanchal resided in the planet Coruscant's Zanchal Estate, where he kept several prisoners and fed them to his domesticated narglatch cat. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the former handmaiden Sabé planted a false list of members of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate, including Zanchal, in one of the syndicate's bases that was being attacked by the forces of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader. After retrieving the list, the Sith Lord sent his crew of assassins to eliminate him at his estate.

Skeptical about the assassins' claim that he was an associate of Crimson Dawn, Zanchal ordered his droid to give them access to every room of his residence. Upon seeing the narglatch and the prisoners, one of the assassins, Ankala Sahm, asked the baron if he thought she cared about his connection with Crimson Dawn. The Imperial lord then commanded his guards to eliminate the assassins; however, the latter group killed Zanchal and his forces.

Confrontation with Vader's crew

Zanchal gave access to his entire estate to Vader's crew, showing them his narglatch.

Zanchal gave access to his entire estate to Vader's crew, showing them his narglatch.

Baron Espis Zanchal was a human lord who served the Galactic Empire. He resided in the Zanchal Estate on the planet Coruscant, keeping his prisoners and his domesticated narglatch cat in a room of his estate. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the former handmaiden Sabé planted a list of operatives of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate that included thirty-two individuals who served the Galactic Empire on a computer within the Crimson Dawn Sub-Headquarters on the Outer Rim Territories astronomical object Laecor. Zanchal was mentioned in the list, and the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader sent his crew of assassins—consisting of Ankala Sahm, Gee-Ninety, Ochi of Bestoon, S'ira, and Tanka—to kill him at the Zanchal Estate after retrieving the list.

As Zanchal drank a glass of a beverage, he instructed his droid to prepare to feed his narglatch. However, they were interrupted when the assassins entered the baron's residence through a window. Sahm announced that the baron had been exposed as a Crimson Dawn operative, but Zanchal claimed he was not, ordering his droid to give the assassins access to his estate's rooms.

A standard narglatch

Zanchal's guards fired at the assassins under his directive.

Zanchal's guards fired at the assassins under his directive.

The droid revealed the narglatch's chamber, and Zanchal remarked that it was a standard narglatch that had been registered and certified. Sahm asked him if he thought she "gave a damn" about his allegiance to Crimson Dawn, and the Imperial lord commanded his guards to fire at Vader's crew; however, the assassins killed Zanchal and his guards, freeing the baron's captives. Gee-Ninety accessed the Zanchal Estate's records to confirm Zanchal's affiliation with Crimson Dawn, discovering that they did not establish any connection between the baron and the criminal syndicate.

In response, Zanchal's droid confirmed that everything the lord had said was truthful. Shortly after, Vader arrived at the Zanchal Estate, and the baron's droid told him that the Imperial lord was "unavailable." After Zanchal's death, Vader's crew traveled to the Imperial Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor, where they celebrated their victory. One of Vader's assassins, Chilla Zin, was uneasy about killing the baron, as the Assassins Guild, which verified assassinations, had not verified Zanchal's. Tanka countered that the baron deserved his death because he fed people to a narglatch while Zin asked if it was fair that his narglatch went hungry.

Personality and traits

A human male, the baron was willing to feed his prisoners to his narglatch. The baron had light skin, brown, graying hair, and blue eyes.


Zanchal wore a blue scarf, a black suit, and black shoes. While ordering his guards to open fire, the baron held a blaster. The Imperial lord's droid had black plating.









