Fat Man

A male Human, the resident of Nadiem was present on the planet during the Clone Wars, a bloody conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the fighting, war came to Nadiem and the Republic enacted a mandatory evacuation of the planet. As the battle for the planet was waged, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli of the Jedi Order oversaw evacuation efforts in one of the planet's major cities. The "Fat Man" was willing to comply with the Republic's orders but was not willing to part with several pieces of valuable items and coinage. Smuggling the precious items under his cloak in a manner which created the illusion of great girth, the man's deception was noticed by Master Unduli and he was forced to turn over the items before boarding the evacuation ships.


A male Human, the resident of Nadiem was present on the planet during the Clone Wars, a bloody conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the fighting, war came to Nadiem and the Republic enacted a mandatory evacuation of the planet. As the battle for the planet was waged, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli of the Jedi Order oversaw evacuation efforts in one of the planet's major cities. The "Fat Man" was willing to comply with the Republic's orders but was not willing to part with several pieces of valuable items and coinage. Smuggling the precious items under his cloak in a manner which created the illusion of great girth, the man's deception was noticed by Master Unduli and he was forced to turn over the items before boarding the evacuation ships.



