
The Vagaari were a sentient species from the Unknown Regions, where they conquered and ruled over a considerable area, mainly as slavers. They were led by the Miskara. Their traditional dress usually included robes of ornate and elaborately-designed fabrics and materials; they wore large masks intended to compensate for their height, which was somewhat shorter than the average human.

Biology and appearance

The Vagaari were short beings with stubby legs and four-toed feet, but with comparatively large hands and large, violet eyes; their ears rose high on their heads, and they had tan skin. They had two mouths, each with two sets of small teeth. They also carried with them strange and unique creatures such as wolvkils and schostri, which they used as weapons. Although relatively primitive, the Vagaari had highly developed suspended-animation technology, and were able to make effective use of captured interdiction fields. Vagaari starships utilized living shields, made of sentient beings imprisoned in transparisteel-like plastic bubbles mounted on the outside of the ship’s hull, making most enemies unwilling to engage for risk of killing innocent beings.

Males and females had separate, but equally important, roles in the Vagaari Empire. Males dominated the soldier, pilot and politician castes; the female Vagaari made up the castes responsible for invasion strategy, sanitation and torture.


The Vagaari were enemies of the Chiss Ascendancy, yet official Chiss policy never officially labeled them so. Vagaari began moving through Chiss space around 37 BBY. A large number of them were destroyed by the then Commander Thrawn at the destruction of the Outbound Flight. After that they retreated to their own corner of the Unknown Regions, building up forces for an eventual attack on the Chiss. The Chiss were aware of this buildup, and feared that they had "already made alliances with powers even more dangerous than they are."

The Vagaari disguised themselves as peaceful Geroons in an attempt to destroy the Redoubt, which housed the survivors of the Galactic Republic's expeditionary fleet, the Outbound Flight project. The supposed wolvkil skins they wore were actually alive, and used to attack the Chiss. After their leader Estosh was killed, the battle was lost. Following this failed attack, a state of war officially existed between the Ascendancy and the Vagaari.

The Vagaari found new allies in the Yuuzhan Vong, aiding the aliens in preparing their invasion of the galaxy. They began incorporating biots around 23 ABY. After the Yuuzhan Vong invasion had ended, the Vagaari benefited from the chaos and death the aliens had wrought and subjugated territory.













