Finn (Herdessan)

Finn was a Human male native of planet Herdessa, who helped lead a lower-class revolution that toppled the ruling Herdessan Guild in 4 ABY. Along with his lover Suzu, Finn attended the arrival of a delegation from the Alliance of Free Planets that had arrived to establish diplomatic relations with the Herdessan Guild, and threw a ball of mud that struck Alliance leader Leia Organa in the ace. They were immediately hunted by security forces led by the cyborg Lumiya, and although Suzu managed to escape, Finn was captured to be sold into slavery. However, Suzu and Organa were able to free Finn and a number of other prisoners, and rose up against the guild and their Imperial allies. Finn was reunited with Suzu, and the guild members were captured and overthrown.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



