Fir Megsan's father

Fir Megsan's father was mentioned in the 2011 BioWare video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, in a message to players of the Jedi Knight character who have chosen at least one dark side option after their confrontation with Lord Praven on the planet Tatooine in 3643 BBY, instead of convincing him to become a Jedi for light side points. In the message, Megsan thanks the player for avenging their father, explaining that he had died during the Sacking of Coruscant, and that everyone who pursued the bounty that was placed on Lord Praven "caught a serious case of corpse." However, this article assumes the Jedi Knight to be a light side character, and so Megsan's bounty is assumed to never have been fulfilled.

Behind the scenes

Fir Megsan's father was mentioned in the 2011 BioWare video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, in a message to players of the Jedi Knight character who have chosen at least one dark side option after their confrontation with Lord Praven on the planet Tatooine in 3643 BBY, instead of convincing him to become a Jedi for light side points. In the message, Megsan thanks the player for avenging their father, explaining that he had died during the Sacking of Coruscant, and that everyone who pursued the bounty that was placed on Lord Praven "caught a serious case of corpse." However, this article assumes the Jedi Knight to be a light side character, and so Megsan's bounty is assumed to never have been fulfilled.



