Five Points

Five Points was a space station located in the Five Points system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. It sat in the system's center between the planets Rumitaka and Satotai. In around 4 BBY, the station had an Imperial presence maintained by Commander Lucka Solange. Despite this, the Empire saw nothing truly of value there, and local gambling lords such as Allehander Pso maintained much of the influence on the station.

Five Points was a tourist destination, filled with gambling halls as well as other locations of decadence. It also had residential cubes, an inn, a park, public restrooms, a bodega, and other shops, including a shop operated by a Kath that sold and repaired weapons. It had a thriving black market and was welcoming to bounty hunters looking for jobs. In contrast to the overflowing wealth of some of the gambling lords, there remained many beggars and homeless residents.

The station operated in a twelve-hour cycle, during which work shifts would change. The end of a cycle would be indicated by the lights of the station all blinking.


  • Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious






