
Like most of Ropagi II's surface, Forethought was dominated by flat plains and large urban centers. The cities Ebyl, Torvane and Balarik were located here, as well as the capital city of Ropagis, the Great Library, Arena of the Mind and the only starport of the planet, located in Off-Worlders' Quarter. All cities were connected by monorails and skyshuttle systems. As the name implied, the Ropagu who oriented their thoughts towards the future lived on this continent.


Like most of Ropagi II's surface, Forethought was dominated by flat plains and large urban centers. The cities Ebyl, Torvane and Balarik were located here, as well as the capital city of Ropagis, the Great Library, Arena of the Mind and the only starport of the planet, located in Off-Worlders' Quarter. All cities were connected by monorails and skyshuttle systems. As the name implied, the Ropagu who oriented their thoughts towards the future lived on this continent.

