Forum:Meeting One, Redux: 0:00 UTC 31 January 2009

It's time we gave another shot at getting this project together and moving forward. I would like for us to be able to have a project-wide meeting to discuss the future of our endeavors at the date and time in the subject (Saturday, 7:00pm for those on the East Coast, for example), however, if another time is desired by the majority, we can have it then.

Cannot Attend

The library doesn't allow chat rooms, unfortunately. So I cannot attend any future meeetings unfortunately until I get the internet back in my house. If someone could tell me how the meetings go, though, I'd greatly appreciate it. Like I say, I believe in this project and want nothing but good things for it.--Jedi Kasra (talk) 18:08, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

  • i also will not be able to attend, because I'll be at work. My apologies. Darthan the destroyer 14:40, 11 January 2009 (UTC)
  • I'll be on a bit earlier but I'll probably end up having to go an hour or so before the actual time.NayayenTransmit words at me 22:58, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Won't be able to come. Sorry. GB57 18:06, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Different time?

Post here if you'd like to schedule a different date/time.

  • The current time would mean midnight for me which isn't all that possible. I could probably manage if it was perhaps put back an hour to 23.00 although I don't know if that would then mean that others can't attend. NayayenTransmit words at me 11:40, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
  • I've just realised that 23.00 is on the Friday evening. I could only make the actual meeting if it was either put back 2 hours from the original time put forwards 23 hours (making it on Saturday). Whether that makes things more difficult I don't know... NayayenTransmit words at me 13:06, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

This meeting has been moved 24 hours forward to 0:00 UTC 1 February, so it looks like you can come, Nayayen. SoresuMakashi 02:47, 31 January 2009 (UTC)

Discussion area

For others:

  • Wikia has a CGI:IRC gateway for the #wp:kotor channel on the Wookieepedia gateway that lets you join the chat room from a normal web page. Just put in your username and choose "#wp:kotor" from the drop-down list.
  • Mibbit is also an option, select as server, enter your nickname in the left box and in the right box.
