
Galathos was a male Human Sith Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith who lived during the Hilts Restoration. In 2974 BBY, he was in charge of the city of Eorm in southern Keshtah, which was home to many Sith slaves who had been expelled from the Tribe and condemned to generational slavery. That year, he punished the city's population for not meeting their production quotas for producing sail cloth. However, he and his troops were killed by the awakened Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa, who took control of Eorm and instigated a slave uprising against the Tribe.


Galathos terrorizing Eorm

Galathos terrorizing Eorm

Sith career

Galathos was a Sith Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith who lived during the Hilts Restoration, a period of relative peace, stability and progress in the history of the planet Kesh. Since 5000 BBY, Kesh had been ruled by several millennia by a Human Sith Tribe who had become stranded during the Great Hyperspace War. While Grand Lord Varner Hilts was a relatively progressive and moderate Sith who had allowed the indigenous Keshiri, a purple-skinned near-Human species, to join the Tribe, Sith rule still remained harsh and repressive for many slaves. By 2974 BBY, Galathos was placed in charge of the port town of Eorm.

Many of Eorm's inhabitants were the descendants of Human slaves who had been expelled from the Tribe and sentenced to generational slavery. These slaves included the descendants of Ermon Parrah, one of the original Sith colonists who had come aboard the ancient Sith starship Omen. Parrah had led an unsuccessful attempt to steal the crippled Omen from the Kesh Sith Temple and return to the stars. As punishment, Parrah and his descendants were forced to weave a cord that would reach the stars. Since this task was physically impossible, Parrah's descendants remained slaves for millennia and became known as the Spinner family since most of them work as tailors and weavers.

One of Parrah's descendants was the Sith criminal Parlan Spinner who was sentenced to work aboard a Keshiri expedition that was sent to explore Eshkrene, the planet's south pole. There, Spinner encountered the Doomed, the Force-sensitive descendants of stranded Jedi and Dark Jedi from the Hundred-Year Darkness. Spinner also freed the ancient Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa from his oubliette. Dreypa had been one of the early founders of the Sith Order and sought to return to the stars in order to seek revenge against the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. After returning to Keshtah Minor, Spinner and Dreypa arrived at Eorm.

A Violent Death

On that same morning, Lord Galathos ordered the burning of an entire block of houses to punish the town's inhabitants for failing to meet their quota of sailcloth. Since the discovery of a new continent Alanciar the previous year, the Tribe needed more sailcloths to outfit its new fleet of wooden sailing ships. When a Keshiri man tried to reason with Lord Galathos, the Sith Lord attempted to Force-choke him. However, Galathos was interrupted by Lord Dreypa who killed the Sith Lord with Force lightning. Following the death of Galathos, Dreypa then used the Force to killing Galathos' remaining men and to level several buildings. The surviving townsfolk were awed by Dreypa's display of Force powers which exceeded the abilities of the Lost Tribe.

Following the capture of Eorm, Dreypa and Parlan Spinner managed to raise a rebel army from among the Human and Keshiri slaves in Eorm. While Dreypa's main goal was to return to the wider galaxy, he agreed to march on the Tribe's capital of Tahv and wage war on the Tribe since they did not follow the "true Sith path." Dreypa was able to manipulate the Eorm slaves' long-standing grievances against their Sith overlords in Tahv who had tormented them and cast them out of the Tribe. Ultimately, Dreypa was defeated following a brief but violent insurrection which devastated parts of Keshtah including Tahv. Dreypa was killed by his former lieutenant Spinner, who had turned against him and teamed up with the Doomed and the Sith princess Takara Hilts, the daughter of Grand Lord Hilts.

Personality and traits

As with many fellow members of the Lost Tribe of Sith, Galathos adhered to the Sith code which elevated individual ambitions and desires over the common good. He was also known to be a cruel and remorseless bully, and also had a violent temper. On one occasion, he ordered the razing of houses in Eorm after the local slaves failed to meet their production quota for making sails. When a Keshiri men tried to stop him, he attempted to Force-choke him before being killed by a more powerful Sith Lord: Remulus Dreypa.

Powers and abilities

Galathos was known to have been proficient with Force-choke, an ability that was traditionally associated with the dark side of the Force. Despite his prowess with the dark side, he was no match for the ancient Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa, one of the founders of the Sith Order.

Behind the scenes

Galathos first appeared in Lost Tribe of the Sith—Spiral 3, which was first released on October 10 2012. He was a minor antagonist in the story and was killed off in the middle of the comic arc. This marks his only appearance in the Expanded Universe. His storyline was developed by John Jackson Miller, who also wrote the Lost Tribe of the Sith novella series. Galathos was drawn by Andrea Mutti, stencilled by Pierluigi Baldassini, and colored by Michael Atiyeh.



