Gareth (TK329's son)

Gareth was a Human male, the son of the Imperial stormtrooper TK329 and his wife, Mera. TK329 wanted Gareth to join the Stormtrooper Corps when he grew up, and he believed that his wife and son supported him and his mission. Shortly before his death aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Vector after being exposed to the Blackwing virus in 1 BBY, TK329 broadcast an open transmission telling Gareth to take care of Mera in his absence. The stormtrooper also mentioned that he was planning a big party for his next visit home and the he had purchased something special for Gareth.

Gareth was mentioned in five tweets from TK329's in-universe Twitter account. The account was created in 2009 as a tie-in to the then-upcoming novel Death Troopers, written by Joe Schreiber.

Behind the scenes

Gareth was mentioned in five tweets from TK329's in-universe Twitter account. The account was created in 2009 as a tie-in to the then-upcoming novel Death Troopers, written by Joe Schreiber.

