Gnarls cave

A cave tunnel connected the Tythos Ridge of mountains and the region known as the Tythonian Gnarls to the north on the planet Tython. The northern end of the tunnel was located on the cliffs on the southern side of the Gnarls, and members of the Flesh Raider species had constructed several crude dwellings inside. During the conflict between the Jedi Order and the Flesh Raiders in 3643 BBY, the Dark Jedi Callef led an invasion force of Flesh Raiders through the cave against the Jedi outpost in the Gnarls, and the Flesh Raiders brought the captured Jedi Padawan Unaw Aharo to Callef in the cave. Before he could execute Aharo, Callef was killed in a duel with a young Jedi apprentice sent to seal the cave, and the Jedi Master Orgus Din collapsed the tunnel with the Force to prevent the Flesh Raiders from continuing their attack.

The Gnarls cave first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011, as a class-restricted phase for the Jedi Knight class mission "Attack of the Flesh Raiders" on Tython.

Behind the scenes

The Gnarls cave first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011, as a class-restricted phase for the Jedi Knight class mission "Attack of the Flesh Raiders" on Tython.



