Gorian Shard's Corsair


Shard's Corsair used deflector shields; but like the rest, those were not designed to face military grade weaponery. It also had eight engines to ensure sublight propulsion, as well as a hyperdrive for interstellar travel. Finally, it had communications equipment. A recognizable features of this ship was its anvil-shaped prow.

Shard's Corsair was equipped with four Quad Laser Cannons on its back, two on each side, to repel fighters and patrol ships from local defense. In addition, it featured fourteen ventral gunwales to shoot at ground targets with unguided missiles in order to spread fear and chaos. However, those gunwales were unable to track enemy fighters, as shown during the siege on Nevarro.

Shard's Corsair could deploy up to a dozen of Pirate Snub Fighters from its dorsal hangar to pursuit enemy vessel or to defend their carrier. Though agile and equipped with 4 laser cannons, those fighters, just like the Cumulus class, were more designed for piracy and attacking lightly defended cargo than for real combat, as they were easily shot down by military-grade starfighter like Din Djarin's N-1 starfighter and Bo-Katan Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter.


The starship participated in the dogfight in Nevarro's system and served as Shard's primary vessel during his invasion of the planet following an encounter between the Mandalorian Din Djarin, Nevarro's High Magistrate Greef Karga, and a group of pirates led by Gorian Shard's second-in-command, Vane.> After Shard called Karga to demand his surrender, the ship bombarded the city of Nevarro in order to spread fear and force the civilian population to flee.

When the Mandalorians launched their counter-offensive, the ship immediately sustained heavy damages, as its shields and its armament proved unable to counter the military-grade fighter used by Din Djarin and Bo-Katan. Quickly, the shields were disabled and there was only one engine left functioning. On Shard's orders, the ship fired at will on the city, hoping to eliminate the Mandalorian ground forces, and the civilian population in a last act of defiance, but the Mandalorian fighters destroyed the last engine, and the ship crashed just outside the city, killing all its crew with Gorian Shard.






