Moff Gorliz acted as the Emperor's representative during the tribunal between Reson Nath and Imperial Prefect Adar. Janq Paramexor decreed a trial by combat under House Paramexor guild rules which Adar attempted to quickly withdraw from. Gorliz then ordered Adar to participate—as Gorliz had placed a wager on the outcome with Janq Paramexor, who presided over the trial.
Moff Gorliz acted as the Emperor's representative during the tribunal between Reson Nath and Imperial Prefect Adar. Janq Paramexor decreed a trial by combat under House Paramexor guild rules which Adar attempted to quickly withdraw from. Gorliz then ordered Adar to participate—as Gorliz had placed a wager on the outcome with Janq Paramexor, who presided over the trial.