Gorrt was born on the planet Gamorr before eventually ending up in the employ of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. Working as an enforcer, Gorrt's skills were underappreciated in Jabba's Palace until he was rewarded with a permanent posting in Mos Eisley after dealing with an uncooperative shop owner.
Gorrt was befriended by another of Jabba's operatives, the Jawa Akkik, and became his defacto protector. The pair would operate in Mos Eisley collecting protection money for Jabba. They were in Lup's Wares and Supplies on the same day that Tar and Kal Lup were being asked about the whereabouts of Adar Tallon by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Gorrt was generally ill-tempered, unpleasant and violent, and he loved to beat on beings that were smaller and weaker than he was. However, he was very protective of Akkik.
- Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia