Goshyn Detention Center

Around that time, when the Human smuggler Billey was gravely injured as a result of a confrontation with an Imperial Customs cruiser, he was arrested and delivered to the Goshyn Detention Center. Billey regained consciousness in the asteroid's medical ward, where the medical droids judged that the only way to heal the smuggler was to implant a new, cybernetic spine and lung system. Billey refused and grew increasingly frail while he served out his term at the prison. However, only Billey's body was broken when he was finally released from the Goshyn Detention Center. With his mind intact, he soon resumed his smuggling operations.

The Goshyn Detention Center was introduced in The Last Command Sourcebook, a 1994 roleplaying game sourcebook authored by Eric Trautmann for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Goshyn system, and therefore the asteroid, in grid square Q-18.

Behind the scenes

The Goshyn Detention Center was introduced in The Last Command Sourcebook, a 1994 roleplaying game sourcebook authored by Eric Trautmann for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Goshyn system, and therefore the asteroid, in grid square Q-18.

