A Granee Noopa, or "Grand Dinner" in Huttese, was an event hosted by Hutts for their own entertainment. The event consisted of a number of challenges, each designed to pit individuals or groups against each other. Hosts would send out invitations to parties they considered to be "up and coming."
Despite a reputation for being extremely lethal, invitations to the a Granee Noopa were highly prized and almost always accepted. It was considered a great disrespect to turn down an invitation to a Granee Noopa. Victorious parties could expect to reap great rewards in the form of credits and prestige. Losing individuals that managed to survive the event would be enslaved by the Hutt whose party was victorious.
The Hutts themselves never personally attended a Granee Noopa. Instead, they send intermediaries, known as boddah, to observe and guide attendees. One such Boddah was Venik Rin, a middle aged Zabrak.
The rules of the event were relatively simple:
- Once a group of invitees arrived at a Granee Noopa, they were not allowed to leave. Any participants that attempted to leave before the closing ceremony were either killed or enslaved at the whim of the Hutts.
- Contestants were permitted to use whatever items and weapons they had with them, but killing other attendees was only permitted during specific events, unless in self-defense.
- Teams were generally composed of multiple individuals, but could have just one member.
The challenges faced by contestants were not consistent across every Granee Noopa, but there were some that were more common that others. These challenges were often ironically named and could include:
- The Dance: Contestants enter an arena and are given a short period of time to quickly eliminate other contestants. At the end of the time period, hostilities were ended.
- The Dinner: The Dinner was generally considered to be the main event of the Granee Noopa. Surviving contestants were placed in a large hall which was occupied by either a pack of animals or a single beast. The event ended when all creatures or contestants were dead. If the contestants manage to kill the beast(s), they would move on to the .
If only one team survived to the end of the event, they were crowned the winner. If more than one team survived to the end, victory was determined based on kill count and casualties suffered (if teams consisted of more than one individual). If this resulted in a tie, each team chose a single champion to fight to the death.
Winnings from one recorded Grannee Noopa consisted of 10,000 credits per team member and an ardos disk.
- Lords of Nal Hutta