Gray Squadron fought in the battle against the Lost Tribe of Sith and the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship over the planet Nam Chorios. With Jedi Knight Jaina Solo in command, they ambushed the Sith armada upon their arrival in orbit, and when Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker escaped from the surface of the world, he was given command of the squadron. They pursued Abeloth and Ship, damaging them until Skywalker was shot down by a Golan III Space Defense NovaGun.
Gray Squadron fought in the battle against the Lost Tribe of Sith and the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship over the planet Nam Chorios. With Jedi Knight Jaina Solo in command, they ambushed the Sith armada upon their arrival in orbit, and when Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker escaped from the surface of the world, he was given command of the squadron. They pursued Abeloth and Ship, damaging them until Skywalker was shot down by a Golan III Space Defense NovaGun.