Great lightsaber

Because of their heavier hilts and more powerful blades, along with the natural strength of its users, the great lightsabers were more potent and deadly than the standard lightsaber. Because they were meant for large and powerful individuals, species of human size or smaller found it difficult to effectively wield one.

The great lightsaber was first mentioned in canon in the 2018 Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying sourcebook Knights of Fate. The great lightsaber first appeared in Star Wars Legends in the 1997 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

Behind the scenes

The great lightsaber was first mentioned in canon in the 2018 Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying sourcebook Knights of Fate. The great lightsaber first appeared in Star Wars Legends in the 1997 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.


  • Knights of Fate
  • Gadgets and Gear
