Gree (language)

Gree language was spoken by the Gree, one of the oldest species in the galaxy.

This language made broad use of metaphors based on geometry and colors. In 3643 BBY, during the Old Republic era, a delegation of Gree droids present on Coruscant would speak in Basic while using Gree language patterns, which hindered communication with other beings. To outsiders, it would look as if they used the same words to mean entirely different things.

List of known expression patterns

  • Black bisector - (literally "helper with difficulties," basic = "hero")
  • Black sphere - (sphere is a concept, in context referring to the difficulties facing one's repair plans)
  • Blue parallel - (perhaps "treaty")
  • Blue nonagon - (perhaps "mayhem," "chaos," or "water")
  • Blue tangent - (perhaps "success")
  • Blue vertex - a kind of ritual for distinguished heroes
  • Green obtuse - (perhaps "not working" or "broken")
  • Green perpendicular - ("enemies" or "attacking forces")
  • Grey pentachoron - (perhaps "criminal" or "outlaw," someone who has stolen Gree tech or broken Gree law; could also mean "prison")
  • Grey secant - interstellar ship traveling the galaxy on knowledge expedition
  • Orange sphere - (perhaps "state of tranquility")
  • Orange tangent - (perhaps "prosperous")
  • Purple parallel - (perhaps "successful situation" or "project")
  • Purple shift - (perhaps "repairs" or "solution"; could also mean "redemption")
  • Purple vertex - (perhaps "trade" or "business")
  • Red parallel - (perhaps "solution")
  • Red rhombus - a high honorary title given by the Gree
  • White acute - (perhaps "grunt work")
  • White perpendicular - (perhaps "difficult")
  • White shift - (perhaps "falter" or "does not comprehend")
  • White vertex - (perhaps "negotiation")
  • Yellow concave - (perhaps "unsuccessful")
  • Yellow shift - (perhaps "divert" or "warp"; could also mean "pervert")
  • My black sphere has evolved to a purple parallel - (My repairs were correctly applied and have resulted in complete success)

Behind the scenes

Suggested meanings above are based on contextual clues; the game provides no direct translations.

The colors and geometric shapes appear to be independent patterns. Parallel is a good state, as opposed to perpendicular. Obtuse and acute seem to have their actual meanings, while a vertex is a relationship between two objects or individuals. Concave seems to be worse then convex, although this is not very clear. A "sphere" is undoubtedly a thought or concept, "black sphere" being a complex or difficult idea.

Colors are harder to figure out. Black and white appear to be related to the difficulty of a task, black being difficult and white being easy. Their colors seem to follow a pattern from advantageous to terrible, starting at purple and proceeding through red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. (In one instance, blue seems to be "good," although it is combined with parallel in that sentence, which is known to be a positive.)












