Grubbat Fhilch


Grubbat embezzled money from Jabba Desilijic Tiure's podracing betting operation, causing the Hutt to put a bounty on Fhilch's head.

Boba Fett took the bounty, tracked him down to his home warren, and took him back to Tatooine. There, he was executed by being thrown into a sarlacc. Before being cast into the sarlacc, he swore revenge on Fett. Since Fett was later swallowed by another sarlacc, and that sarlacc was born from a spore cast from the one which ate Fhilch, he could be said to have had his revenge after all.

Behind the scenes

The name "Grubbat" was used in the The Starhoppers of Aduba-3 article as an example of a Lepi name, and in this manner Fhilch's species was revealed. However, unlike most Lepi, such as Jaxxon, Fhilch has a long, bushy tail.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



